- Korfhagen, D., Rodríguez-Riccelli, A., Visconte, P., Jiménez-Baralt, R., Arias-Quintero, I. & S. Sessarego (in press). The Afro-Hispanic Varieties of Chota Valley (Ecuador) and Chincha (Perú). In Cerno, L., Döhla, H.J., Gutiérrez Maté, M., Hesselbach, R. & J. Steffen (eds.), Contact Varieties of Spanish and Spanish-Lexified Contact Varieties. Berlin: DeGruyter.
- Sessarego, S. (in press). Spanish Creoles, Mixed Languages and Afro-Hispanic Contact Varieties. In Sánchez López, C. & (ed.). A Guide to Spanish Dialects: Descriptive and Theoretical Aspects of Linguistic Variation in the Hispanic World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Sessarego, S. (in press). On the Importance of Legal History to Afro-Hispanic Linguistics and Creole Studies. Céfiro.
- Jimenez, P. & S. Sessarego (in press). Language Rights and Ideologies in Afro-Latin America: The Afro-Bolivian Case. In Dubinsky, S., Gavin, M. & H. Starr (eds.). Handbook of Language and Political Conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Jiménez-Baralt, R. & S. Sessarego (in press). Language Conflict and the Linguistic Landscape: Exploring Language, Identity, and Socio-Political Dynamics in Puerto Rico. In Dubinsky, S., Gavin, M. & H. Starr (eds.). Handbook of Language and Political Conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Sessarego, S. (in press). Another Piece of the Puzzle: Afro-Veracruz Spanish and the Spanish Creole Debate. In Salikoko, M. & E. Aboh (eds.). Uniformitarianism in Genetic Creolistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Gallinate, G., Visconte, P. & S. Sessarego (in press). La variación morfosintáctica del español boliviano. In Díaz-Campos, M. & J. M. Hernández Campoy (eds.). Enciclopedia Concisa de los Dialectos del Español. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Arias-Quintero, I. & S. Sessarego (in press). La variación fonológica del español boliviano. In Díaz-Campos, M. & J. M. Hernández Campoy (eds.). Enciclopedia Concisa de los Dialectos del Español. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Visconte, P., Arias-Quintero, I. & S. Sessarego (in press). Fonología del español andino (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú). In Díaz-Campos, M. & J. M. Hernández Campoy (eds.). Enciclopedia concisa de los dialectos del español. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Korfhagen, D. & S. Sessarego (in press). On the Origins of Afro-Veracruz Spanish: The Interplay of Linguistic and Historical Factors. In Lamberti, L. & A. L. Agostinho (eds.). Varieties of Spanish and Portuguese in Contact. Berlin: Language Science Press.
- Sessarego, S. (in press). Quelques considérations grammaticales sur la catégorisation de la langue afro-bolivienne. micRomania.
- Visconte, P., Sessarego, S. & R. Rao (2024). A Comparative Analysis of Declarative Intonation in the Spontaneous Speech of Two Puerto Rican Communities. Languages, 9, 90: 1-22.
- Sessarego, S., Barra, V. & I. Marín (eds.) (2023). Di nojotro pa oté: algunos cuento infantil afroboliviano. Cochabamba/La Paz: Plural Editores.
- Marín, I., Barra, V. & S. Sessarego (2023). Wawa príncipe. Neckarsteinach: Edition Tintenfass. [Translation into Afro-Bolivian Spanish of Saint-Exupéry, A. (1943). Le petit prince. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock].
- Arias-Quintero, I., Jiménez-Baralt, R., Visconte, P. & S. Sessarego (2023). El español del Chocó: una lengua afro-hispánica en la frontera española. Forma y Función, 36, 1: 145-162.
- Visconte, P. & S. Sessarego (2022). Loíza Spanish and the Spanish Creole Debate: A Linguistic and Sociohistorical Account. In Migge, B. & S. Gooden (eds.). Social and Structural Aspects of Language Contact and Change, 183-212. Berlin: Language Science Press.
- Visconte, P. & S. Sessarego (2022). Variedades afrohispánicas. In Moreno-Fernández, F. & R. Caravedo. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Dialectology, 512-523. London: Routledge.
- Sessarego, S. (2022). El discurso de odio de tipo étnico-racial: el estado de la cuestión a la luz de las doctrinas del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos y del Tribunal Constitucional. Revista Jurídica Internacional, 5, 19-41.
- Visconte, P. & S. Sessarego (2022). Some Remarks on the Origins of Afro-Puerto Rican Spanish. In Sessarego, S., Jiménez-Baralt, R., Arias-Quintero, I. & M. Gónzalez-Rivera (guest eds.). Research on Puerto Rican Spanish, [Borealis Special Issue], 77-93.
- Jiménez-Baralt, R., Arias-Quintero, I., Sessarego, S. & M. Gónzalez-Rivera (2022). El español de Puerto Rico en el siglo XXI: nuevos acercamientos lingüísticos y socioculturales In Sessarego, S., Jiménez-Baralt, R., Arias-Quintero, I. & M. Gónzalez-Rivera (guest eds.). Research on Puerto Rican Spanish, [Borealis Special Issue], 1-5.
- Sessarego, S., Jiménez-Baralt, R., Arias-Quintero, I. & M. Gónzalez-Rivera (guest eds.). (2022). Research on Puerto Rican Spanish. [Borealis Special Issue]. Tromsø: Septentrio Academic Publishing.
- Crespo, C. & S. Sessarego (2021). The concordantia temporum in Andean Spanish. In Díaz-Campos, M. (ed.) Handbook of Variationist Approaches to Spanish, 245-359. London: Routledge.
- Sessarego, S. (2021). Interfaces and Domains of Contact-Driven Restructuring. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Sessarego, S. (2021). A Sociohistorical Perspective on the Origin and Evolution of Two Afro-Andean Vernaculars. In Drinka, B. & W. Chappell (eds.). Spanish Socio-Historical Linguistics: Isolation and Contact, 163-184. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. & M. Díaz-Campos (2021). Contemporary Research on Latin American Spanish Dialectology. In Díaz-Campos, M.& S. Sessarego (eds.) Aspects of Latin American Spanish Dialectology: In Honor of Terrell A. Morgan. 1-8. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Korfhagen, D., Rao, R. & S. Sessarego. (2021). Declarative Intonation in Four Afro-Hispanic Varieties: Phonetic Analysis and Implications. In Díaz-Campos, M. & S. Sessarego (eds.) Aspects of Latin American Spanish Dialectology: In Honor of Terrell A. Morgan. 155-180. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Díaz-Campos, M. & S. Sessarego (eds.). (2021). Aspects of Latin American Spanish Dialectology: In Honor of Terrell A. Morgan. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. (2020). Not all grammatical features are robustly transmitted during the emergence of creoles. Nature: Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. 7, 130: 1-8
- Sessarego, S. (2020). La discriminación racial en Europa y en España: una perspectiv a multidimensional. Revista Internacionalde Derechos Humanos, 10, 2, 145-180.
- Sessarego, S. (2020). Chocó Spanish: An Afro-Hispanic Language on the Spanish Frontier. In Ortiz-López, L., Guzzardo Tamargo, R. & M. González-Rivera (eds.). Hispanic Contact Linguistics: Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives. 43-59. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Butera, B., Rao, R. & S. Sessarego (2020). Afro-Peruvian Spanish Prosody: A Case of Contact-Induced Language Change. In Rao, R. (ed.). Spanish Phonetics and Phonology in Contact: Studies from Africa, the Americas, and Spain, 207-226. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins
- Rao, R. & S. Sessarego (2020). Introduction. In Rao, R. (ed.). Spanish Phonetics and Phonology in Contact: Studies from Africa, the Americas, and Spain, 1-12. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Colomina-Almiñana, J. & S. Sessarego (eds.). (2020). Language Patterns in Spanish and Beyond: Structure, Context and Development. London: Routledge.
- Sessarego, S. & J. Colomina-Almiñana (2020). Patterns in Syntax, Pragmatics and Acquisition in Spanish and Beyond. In Colomina-Almiñana, J. & S. Sessarego (eds.) Language Patters in Spanish and Beyond: Structure, Context and Development. London: Routledge.
- Andrade, L. & S. Sessarego (eds.). (2020). Los castellanos del Perú: historia, variación y contacto lingüístico. London: Routledge.
- Sessarego, S. (2020). El castellano afroperuano hablado en Chincha: Una perspectiva histórica y lingüística. In Andrade, L. & S. Sessarego (eds.). Los castellanos del Perú: historia, variación y contacto lingüístico. London: Routledge.
- Sessarego, S. & L. Andrade (2020). Introducción: una mirada contemporánea a las variedades del castellano peruano. In Andrade, L. & S. Sessarego (eds.). Los castellanos del Perú: historia, variación y contacto lingüístico. London: Routledge.
- Rodríguez-Riccelli, A., Sessarego, S. &J. Colomina-Almiñana (eds.). (2020). Variation and Evolution: Aspects of Language Contact and Contrast across the Spanish-Speaking World. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S., Colomina-Almiñana & A. Rodríguez-Riccelli (2020). Social and Linguistic Factors Shaping Language Dynamics across the Spanish-Speaking World. In Rodríguez-Riccelli, A., Sessarego, S. & J. Colomina-Almiñana (eds.) Variation and Evolution: Language Contact and Contrast across the Spanish-Speaking World. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. (2020). Casting Light on the Spanish Creole Debate: A Legal Perspective. In Morales-Font, A., Ferreira, M., Leow, R. & C. Sanz (eds.). Hispanic Linguistics: Current Issues and New Directions, 327–342. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Butera, B., Sessarego, S. & R. Rao (2020). Afro-Peruvian Spanish Declarative Intonation: Analysis and Implications. In Morales-Font, A., Ferreira, M., Leow, R. & C. Sanz (eds.). Hispanic Linguistics: Current Issues and New Directions, 229–248. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. (2020). Contact-Driven Restructuring at the Interface: Aspects of Variable Phi-Agreement across the Afro-Hispanic DP. In González-Rivera, M. & S. Sessarego (eds.) Interface-Driven Phenomena in Spanish: Essays in Honor of Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach. 192-220. Malden, MA: Routledge.
- Sessarego, S. & M. González-Rivera (2020). The Syntax-Semantics Interface: Current Issues in the Field. In González-Rivera, M. & S. Sessarego (eds.) (eds.). Interface-Driven Phenomena in Spanish: Essays in Honor of Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach. 1-5. Malden, MA: Routledge.
- Gónzalez-Rivera, M. & S. Sessarego (eds.). (2020). Interface-Driven Phenomena in Spanish: Essays in Honor of Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach. Malden, MA: Routledge.
- Sessarego, S. (2019). Language Contact and the Making of an Afro-Hispanic Vernacular: Variation and Change in the Colombian Chocó. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Sessarego, S., Butera, B. & R. Rao (2019). Aspectos de la entonación afroperuana. Cuadernos de la Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina, 11, 1:199-215.
- Sessarego, S. (2019). Universal Processes in Contact-Induced Syntactic Change. In Darquennes, J., Salmons, J. & W. Vandenbussche (eds.), Language Contact: An International Handbook, 24-37. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Sessarego, S. (2018). La schiavitù nera nell’America spagnola. Genova: Marietti Editore.
- Sessarego, S. (guest ed.). (2018). Current Trends in Afro-Hispanic Linguistics. [Lingua Special Issue]. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- King, J. & S. Sessarego (eds.). (2018). Language Variation and Contact-Induced Change: The Spanish Language across Space and Time. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. (2018). Enhancing Dialogue in the Field: Some Remarks on the Status of the Spanish Creole Debate. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. 33, 1: 197-203.
- Rao, R. & S. Sessarego (2018). Intonation in Chota Valley Spanish: Contact-Induced Phenomena at the Discourse/Phonology Interface. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 11, 1: 163-192.
- Sessarego, S. (2018). Afro-Hispanic Linguistics: Current Trends in the Field. In Sessarego, S. (guest ed.) Current Trends in Afro-Hispanic Linguistics. Lingua Special Issue, 202, 1-3.
- Sessarego, S. (2018). On the Importance of Legal History to Afro-Hispanic Linguistics and Creole Studies. In Sessarego, S. (guest ed.) Current Trends in Afro-Hispanic Linguistics. Lingua Special Issue, 202, 13-23.
- Sessarego, S. & A. Rodríguez-Riccelli(2018). Formal Issues in Afro-Hispanic Morpho-Syntax: The Afro-Bolivian Spanish Case. In Sessarego, S. (guested.) Current Trends in Afro-Hispanic Linguistics. Lingua Special Issue, 202, 58-75.
- Knaff, C., Sessarego,S. & R. Rao (2018). Future Directions in the Field: Aspects of Afro-Hispanic Prosody. In Sessarego, S. (guest ed.) Current Trends in Afro-Hispanic Linguistics. Lingua Special Issue, 202, 76-86.
- Sessarego, S. & J. King (2018). Introduction. In King, J. & S. Sessarego. (eds.). Language Variation and Contact-Induced Change: The Spanish Language across Space and Time, 1-8. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. & J. Gutiérrez-Rexach (2018). Afro-Hispanic Contact Varieties at the Interface: A Closer Look at Pro-Drop Phenomena in Chinchano Spanish. In King, J. & S. Sessarego. (eds.). Language Variation and Contact-Induced Change: The Spanish Language across Space and Time, 63-82. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Romero, R. & S. Sessarego (2018). Hard Come, Easy Go: Linguistic Interfaces in Istanbul Judeo-Spanish and Afro-Ecuadorian Spanish. In King, J. & S. Sessarego. (eds.). Language Variation and Contact-Induced Change: The Spanish Language across Space and Time, 83-110. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. (2017). Chocó Spanish Double Negation and the Genesis of the Afro-Hispanic Dialects of the Americas. Diachronica. 34, 2: 219-252.
- Sessarego, S. (2017). Chocó Spanish and the Missing Spanish Creole Debate: Sociohistorical and Linguistic Considerations to Solve the Puzzle. Language Ecology.1, 2: 213-241.
- Sessarego, S. (2017). The Legal Hypothesis of Creole Genesis: Presence/Absence of Legal Personality, a New Element to the Spanish Creole Debate. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. 32, 1: 1-47.
- Sessarego. S. (2017). Extracts from ‘Solving the Spanish Creole Puzzle: The Legal Hypothesis of Creole Genesis’, in Afro-Peruvian Spanish: Spanish Slavery and the Legacy of Spanish Creoles (Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2015), pp. 120-121, 139-145, 156-157. In Farquharson, J. & B. Migge (eds.), Pidgins and Creoles. Vol.4. London: Routledge.
- Sessarego, S. (2017). A Feature-Geometry Account for Subject-Verb Agreement Phenomena in Yungueño Spanish. In J. Colomina-Almiñana (ed.). Contemporary Studies on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of Spanish Variation, 265-282. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
- Perez, D., Sessarego, S. & E. Sippola (2017). Afro-Hispanic Varieties in Comparison: New Light from Phylogeny. In P. Bakker, C. Levisen, & E. Sippola. (eds.). Phylogenetic Approaches to Creole Languages, 269-292. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. & J. Gutiérrez-Rexach (2017). Revisiting the Null Subject Parameter: New Insights from Afro-Peruvian Spanish. Isogloss. 3, 1: 43-68.
- Sessarego, S. & F. Tejedo-Herrero (eds.). (2016). Spanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. (2016). On the Non-(de)creolization of Chocó Spanish: A Linguistic and Sociohistorical Account. Lingua, 184: 122-133.
- Sessarego, S. (2016). Calunga and the Legacy of an African Language in Brazil (by S. Byrd). In Luso-Brazilian Review. 53. 1: E53-E56.
- Morgan, T. & S. Sessarego (2016). A Phonetic Analysis of /r/ in Highland Bolivian Spanish. Spanish in Context. 13, 2: 195-211.
- Rao, R. & S. Sessarego (2016). On theIntonation of Afro-Bolivian Spanish Declaratives: Implications for a Theory of Afro-Hispanic Creole Genesis. Lingua. 174: 45-64.
- Sessarego, S. (2016). A Response to Perez. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. 31, 1: 200-212.
- Sessarego, S. & R. Rao (2016). Onthe Simplification of a Prosodic Inventory: The Afro-Bolivian Spanish Case. In A. Cuza, L. Czerwionka & D. Olson (eds.). Inquiries in Hispanic Linguistics, 171-190. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. & F. Tejedo-Herrero (2016). Introduction. In Sessarego, S. & F. Tejedo-Herrero (eds.). Spanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis, xi-xvi Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. & L. Ferreira (2016). Spanish and Portuguese Parallels: Impoverished Number Agreement as a Vernacular Feature of Two Rural Dialects. In Sessarego, S. & F. Tejedo-Herrero(eds.). Spanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis, 283-304. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. (2015). Afro-Peruvian Spanish: Spanish Slavery and the Legacy of Spanish Creoles. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. & M. González-Rivera (eds.). (2015). New Perspectives on Hispanic Contact Linguistics in the Americas. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana and Vervuert.
- Sessarego S. & M. González-Rivera (2015). Introduction. In Sessarego, S. & M. González-Rivera (eds.). New Perspectives on Hispanic Contact Linguistics in the Americas, 11-18. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana and Vervuert.
- Sessarego, S. & J. Gutiérrez-Rexach (2015). Nominal Ellipses in an Afro-Hispanic Language of Ecuador: The Choteño Case. In Sessarego S. & M. González-Rivera (eds.). New Perspectives on Hispanic Contact Linguistics in the Americas, 177-193. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana and Vervuert.
- Sessarego S. (2015). Las Lenguas Criollas. In Gutiérrez-Rexach, J. (ed.). Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica, 685-696. London: Routledge.
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- Sessarego, S. (2014). The Afro-Bolivian Spanish Determiner Phrase: A Microparametric Account. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Press.
- Sessarego, S. (2014). Afro-Peruvian Spanish in the Context of Spanish Creole Genesis. Spanish in Context. 11, 3: 381–401.
- Gutiérrez-Rexach, J & S. Sessarego (2014). Morphosyntactic Variation in Three Afro-Andean Dialects: The Evolution of Gender Agreement in DP. Lingua. 151, Part B: 142-161.
- Sessarego, S. (2014). On Chota Valley Spanish Origin: Linguistic and Sociohistorical Evidence. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. 29, 1: 86-133.
- Sessarego, S. (2014). Choteño Spanish and the Afro-Hispanic Creole Debate: Another Piece into the Puzzle. In Orozco R. (ed.). New Directions in Hispanic Linguistics, 71-93. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Gutiérrez-Rexach, J. & S. Sessarego (2014). N-Drop Parallelisms in Afro-Bolivian Spanish and Standard Spanish: A Microparametric Account. In Orozco R. (ed.). New Directions in Hispanic Linguistics, 188-216. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Sessarego, S. (2013). Chota Valley Spanish. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana and Vervuert.
- Sessarego, S. (2013). Chota Valley Spanish: A Second Look at Creole Monogenesis. Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana. 22, 2: 129-148.
- Sessarego, S. (2013). On the Social and Linguistic Implications of Unstressed Vowel Reduction in Cochabambino Spanish. Sintagma. 25: 19-32.
- Sessarego, S. (2013). On the Non-Creole Bases for Afro-Bolivian Spanish. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. 28, 2: 363-407.
- Sessarego, S. (2013). Afro-Hispanic Contact Varieties as Conventionalized Advanced Second Languages. IBERIA. 5,1: 96-122.
- Sessarego, S. (2013). Enhancing Dialogue between Quantitative Sociolinguistics and Minimalist Syntax. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics. 5, 2: 79-97.
- Sessarego, S. (2013). Some Remarks on the Origin of Chota Valley Spanish. In Carvalho A. (ed.), Proceedings of The 6th International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics (WSS6). 87-96. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla.
- Sessarego, S. (2012). A Fresh Look at Chota Valley Spanish: An Afro-Hispanic Dialect of Northern Ecuador. Ianua: Revista Philologica Romanica. 12, 1-17.
- Sessarego, S. (2012). Unstressed Vowel Reduction in Cochabamba,Bolivia. Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana. 20,2: 213-230.
- Sessarego, S. (2012). Vowel Weakening in Yungueño Spanish: Linguisticand Social Considerations. PAPIA: Revista Brasileira de Estudos Crioulos e Similares. 22, 2: 279-294.
- Sessarego, S. & G. Ulvoas. (2012). Brand of Origin Effect on Brand Personality Evaluation: The À L’AISE BREIZH Case. Journal of International Marketing Trends.1-15.
- Sessarego, S. (2012). Non-Creole Features in the Verb System of Afro-Hispanic Languages: New Insights from SLA Studies. International Journal of Linguistics. 4,1: 146-157.
- Sessarego, S. (2012). The Contribution of Afro-Hispanic Contact Varieties to the Study of Syntactic Microvariation. In González-Rivera M. & S. Sessarego (eds.). Current Formal Aspects of Spanish Syntax and Semantics, 229-250. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Sessarego, S. & J. Gutiérrez-Rexach (2012). Variation, Universals, and Contact-Induced Change: Language Evolution across Generations and Domains. In González-Rivera M. & S. Sessarego (eds.). Current Formal Aspects of Spanish Syntax and Semantics, 251-270. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- González-Rivera, M. & S. Sessarego (2012). Introduction. In González-Rivera M. & S. Sessarego (eds.). Current Formal Aspects of Spanish Syntax and Semantics, 1-7. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Gutiérrez-Rexach, J. & S. Sessarego (2012). Bare Nouns, Reference and Indefiniteness in a Spanish Dialect. In P. Frath, V. Bourdier, E. Hilgert, K. Bréhaux & J. Dunphy-Blomfield (eds.) Reference, Consciousness and the Speaking Subject, 339-350. Editions et Presses Universitaires de Reims.
- González-Rivera M. & S. Sessarego (eds.). (2012). Current Formal Aspects of Spanish Syntax and Semantics. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Sessarego, S. (2011). Introducción al idioma afroboliviano: Una conversación con el awicho Manuel Barra (with CD). Cochabamba/ La Paz: Plural Editores.
- Sessarego, S. &J. Gutiérrez-Rexach (2011). Feature Valuation, Variation, and Minimalism: Gender in Afro-Bolivian Spanish. IBERIA, 3, 1: 65-80.
- Sessarego, S. (2011). Apuntes Sociohistóricos sobre la Esclavitud Negra en Bolivia y sus Implicaciones Lingüísticas: La Lengua Afroyungueña. Revista Iberoamericana de Lingüística. 6: 65-122.
- Sessarego, S. & J. Gutiérrez-Rexach (2011). A Minimalist Approach to Gender Agreement in the Afro-Bolivian DP: Variation and the Specification of Uninterpretable Features. In De Vogelaer, G. & M. Janse (eds.), The Diachronic of Gender Marking [Folia Linguistica Special Issue] 45, 2:465-488.
- Sessarego, S. (2011). On the Supposed Creole Origin for Yungueño Spanish: Linguistic and Sociohistorical Considerations. In Orozco R. & A. Cortazar (eds.), Lenguaje, Arte y Revoluciones Ayer y Hoy: New Approaches to Hispanic Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Studies, 212-237. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Gutiérrez-Rexach, J. & S. Sessarego (2011). On the Nature of Bare Nouns in Afro-Bolivian Spanish. In J. Herschensohn (ed.). Romance Linguistics 2010, 191–204. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Gutiérrez-Rexach, J. & S. Sessarego (2011). The Valuation of Gender Agreement in DP: Evidence from Afro-Bolivian Spanish. In Berns, J., H. Jacobs & T. Scheer (eds.). Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory, 133-148. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sessarego, S. (2011). On the Status of Afro-Bolivian Spanish Features: Decreolization or Vernacular Universals? In Michnowicz J. (ed.), Proceedings of The 5thInternational Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics (WSS5), 125-141. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla.
- Sessarego, S. (2011). A Phonetic Analysis of /sr/ Clusters in Cochabambino Spanish. In Ortiz-López L.(ed.), Proceedings of the 13th Hispanic Linguistic Symposium. 251-263. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla.
- Gutiérrez-Rexach, J. & S. Sessarego (2011). Nominal Reference and Dialect Variation in Spanish. In P. Fraith (ed.), Proceedings of Res per Nomen III, 129-136. Editions et Presses Universitaires de Reims.
- Delicado-Cantero M. & S. Sessarego (2011). Variation and Syntax in Number Expression in Afro-Bolivian Spanish. In Ortiz-López L. (ed.), Proceedings of the 13thHispanic Linguistic Symposium, 42-53. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla.
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